I haven't seen the 1951 original, but I've heard really great things. Unfortunately, TDTESS version 2008 is nothing worth talking about. Alien Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) and his indestructible alien robot Gort come to Earth (to protect it from being destroyed by us humans) where Klaatu meets and befriends Dr. Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly) and her stepson (Jaden Smith).
To its credit, the special effects and graphics in this film were amazing, which is pretty much what drew me to the film in the first place. Watching trucks, buildings and even Giant Stadium get ripped apart was way more fun than I thought it was going to be.
Unfortunately the dialogue was completely lame. Which is kind of what I expected given that they couldn't even find 10 seconds of decent dialogue in the film to put into the trailer. "If the Earth dies, you die...if you die, the Earth survives." Um right. The film was like the battle of the cliches. Who can say the most generic, sappy lines in 2 hours?! Also, Klaatu is supposed to be the humanity of Benson and her kid is what supposedly changes his mind about destroying the planet at the end, but I didn't see progression of that occurring at all. I'm still puzzled as to exactly what profound activities Benson and her kid did to save Earth. It was just suddenly..."oh I get it now. You humans are cool." And I'm left having no idea how that even happened.
I suppose this was the perfect role for Keanu Reeves who has pretty much played the expressionless drone in every role since Bill and Ted. Nothing I can really say about Jennifer Connelly either since her part pretty much just consisted of a lot of frightened running around and giving us the wide-eyed "wtf is going on??" eyes every 30 seconds or so. Always great eye candy though. Jaden Smith was adorable but so so annoying. I blame movies like this for stunting my maternal extincts (and also the fact that I'm not yet 22). Children who play huge brats in movies make me just not want to have kids ever.
Ultimately, I think this movie might have been awesome if it was just shrunk down to 30 mins of the craziest visual effect moments and scored to some great music minus all dialogue. Though what I just described pretty much just sounds like a long music video. Oh well.