Thursday, November 27, 2008

Help yourself to a tall glass of 'Milk.'

Now that I'm completely stuffed with enough turkey and potato salad to feed a small country, it's back to the movies...or as much as I can write before the food coma sets in.

First off, I apologize for the title of the post but I was too lazy to think of anything less cheesy. Secondly, I recall posting a few entries ago about how there are certain directors whom one can safely namedrop around film students without falling victim to judgment and Gus van Sant was one such director. His newest film 'Milk' is further proof as to exactly why this man is considered a moviemaking genius.

'Milk' is one of those films that manages to be powerful and emotional without seeming preachy or heavy-handed. One that manages to bring a smile to your face, a chuckle to your lips but also tears to your eyes. It is a film that is still so socially and politically relevant today that I had almost wished it had been released just a little bit sooner. It is a film that inspires and enlightens and moves you so deeply that the minute it ends you wish you had the time to just sit in the theater and wait for it to start all over again. It is a film that exceeded my already high expectations and it's been too long since a film has done just that.

Based on a true story, 'Milk' recounts the personal and political life of Harvey Milk (Sean Penn), from his struggle to become California's first openly gay elected official during the tumultuous times of the 1970s to his assassination by San Francisco Supervisor Dan White (Josh Brolin). Van Sant adds real archived footage from the time period throughout his film which not only serves to make the whole experience more realistic but also shows us that he's not exaggerating some of these characters...not shoving caricatures of people down our throats. Anti-gay activist Anita Bryant, for example, was portrayed entirely through archived footage.

This film has Oscar contender written all over it, and I have no doubt Sean Penn will be nominated. Of course never having known the real Harvey Milk, I can't say if Penn's portrayal of him is accurate, but I can say that his portrayal of a man struggling to find his voice and give one to a group of people desperately searching for a leader is flawless. He is not just a gay man facing a homophobic society but a man discovering his purpose in life at 45-years-old and risking everything to pursue it. Not to mention...I don't think I've seen Penn smile so much in a role since Fast Times at Ridgemont High which was what...25 years ago??

James Franco gives an admirable performance as Scottie Smith (probably his best in a dramatic role), Milk's lover during the early 1970s. Though any impressive acting was generally overshadowed by all the making-out he had to do with Sean Penn which one could consider to be more impressive. I also appreciated Van Sant and Josh Brolin's efforts to portray San Francisco Supervisor Dan White as a complex individual plagued by self-doubt and insecurities and not just a homophobic psychopath. It is very clear in 'Milk' that White's motivation for killing Milk (and Mayor Boscome played by Victor Garber) was the loss of his position and respect among his peers and not because of any real homophobic feelings. My favorite character, however, had to be Emile Hirsch's Cleve Jones, hustler turned gay activist, who worked alongside Milk for years. His sassy quips, witty remarks, and overall general attitude of childish naivete and excitement mixed with the jaded world view of someone who has had to grow up way too fast was absolutely adorable and completely lovable (not to mention he has the most amazingly funky dance moves).

A large part of the film deals with Milk's struggle to repeal California's Proposition 6 in 1978 which would've banned any homosexual and anyone who supported gay rights from working in CA public schools. I wish this film had been released a few weeks ago before the passing of CA's Prop 8. It is hard for me to imagine anyone watching this film and voting yes to Prop 8. It is hard for me to imagine anyone watching this film and not being inspired by this story. Not being filled with hope.

This wasn't merely a story about gay rights but human rights. It is something people of all ethnicities, races, genders and sexual orientations can enjoy and be inspired by. I know that when the photographs of the real Harvey Milk and his "crew" flashed across the screen before the credits...I couldn't help but wonder...where have all the good men gone?

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