Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Zack and Miri Make...me want to make a porno.

Now that the election is over, what in the world is everyone going to talk about? Well, for starters, someone please explain to me why High School Musical has managed to top the box office again for the 2nd week running...beating out Kevin Smith's newest comedy - Zack and Miri Make A Porno. I mean...combining the comedic geniuses of Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen with an incredibly hot Elizabeth Banks and PORNOGRAPHY should be box office gold...no? What is happening to this world when a group of singing high schoolers is the most highly anticipated movie of the year? (if anyone actually read this thing, the shock and horror of what I just said would probably make them just stop reading past this point.)

I'm not saying I'm totally enamored with everything Kevin Smith does (Jersey Girl anyone?), but Chasing Amy and Dogma and the first 3 mins of Jay and Silent Bob definitely rank among some of my top favorite movie moments. Plus Smith's hometown is a 10 min. drive from my hometown. (Yes, I'm from Jersey. Don't judge.) That being said, only Kevin Smith is able to make a movie about making a porno...romantic.

So I think the title of the film does a pretty good job of summing up what it's about but incase further explanation is required...Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks play titular characters Zack and Miri who find themselves in desperate need of some cash and decide that making a porno would be the best way to make some. As these movies generally go, turns out it's much easier said than done. And of course there are all these unrealized feelings that begin to surface when two lifelong friends finally decide to do the dirty.

So because it's Seth Rogen, the Judd Apatow comparisons are going to come. I have to say that for all the less than PG moments Apatow manages to conjure up, his films generally give off a innocent vibe. Smith's films are just downright filthy. Not to mention that I don't think I have heard the word "fuck" that many times in one sitting since well...ever. Both Apatow and Smith, however, are able to deliver absolutely hilarious films and Zack and Miri is no exception. But because this is essentially a romantic comedy, it had it's fair share of awkward scenes as well. Some may call them sweet...I found they had very little place in a Kevin Smith film, and I was glad they were few and far between.

Surprising enough, Rogen and Banks had more chemistry than I thought a fat hairy guy and a totally hot chick would have on screen. Then again, I find it very difficult not to love any character Rogen plays. I'm just waiting for the day that someone tries to cast him as this evil, maniacal villain. My guess is that it would fail miserably, but who knows. And Elizabeth Banks is adorable and spunky as always. Though I'm pretty sure the Scarlett effect is going to take hold soon and I'm just going to get sick of her since she's in every friggin movie coming out in the next couple months and this is furthered evidenced by the fact that I'm blogging about her two posts in a row.

Kevin Smith's butt buddy Jason Mewes also appears in the film as one of the porno actors. Let's just say... the guy looks good. Anddd if anyone ever wondered what Jay's penis looks like...this is a great opportunity to find out. Hm...Justin Long makes a cameo as a gay porn star which might or might not have been one of the highlights of the film and Brandon Routh makes a cameo as his gay lover. Which I found slightly awkward cause well...he's Superman. (I mean...has the guy been in anything else?!)

Overall, Kevin Smith managed to deliver a movie that had me laughing for a good 2 hours (then again, I'm easily amused so don't blame me if the same does not occur for you), and those 2 hours definitely flew by. Unfortunately, I have to say that compared to some of his previous films, this one was a little too formulaic for me. A little too mushy in parts. And pretty predictable. Then again maybe not so predictable when the moral of story is...make a porno and all your dreams will come true. So if you're choosing between this film or those damn smiling prancing high schoolers, I would say go with this one. At the very least, you'll learn some new ways to jack yourself (or someone else) off.

P.S. I thought this appropriate given the nature and timing of this post.

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