Sunday, September 28, 2008

If you want to live you

Ok maybe not but I thought it was clever. No? Ok.

So I'm just going to throw this out there...I did not originally have any intentions to see this film. But then I became intrigued and really wanted to know the ending and surprised that no one had leaked it before the film came out. Anddd...this weekend consisted of too little sleep and a little too much booze so I figured I needed something that doesn't require too much concentration. Needless to say...that is what I got. (I also want to point out that my bff had been absolutely adamant against -alliteration!- the viewing of this movie but was eventually swayed to the dark side. A decision that I am sure he regrets now.)

So apparently director DJ Caruso (Taking Lives, Disturbia) has this thing for Hitchcock so supposedly Disturbia is to Rear Window as Eagle Eye is to North by Northwest. Um...aside from similar "being chased by planes" sequences, I failed to see the connection between the latter two films. Then again, I am not a film student so someone feel free to educate me please. What I did see was more along the lines of Michael Bay than Hitchcock, especially in entertainment value.

Essentially, the story is about how human dependence on technology is going to destroy the world (sound familiar?). Shia LaBeouf is protagonist Jerry Shaw (the name is repeated throughout the movie so often that I'm pretty sure it has been permanently seared into my brain) and Michelle Monaghan plays Rachel Holloman. They are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious woman contacting, monitoring and controlling them via the phone or any other random everyday technological device we humans are entirely dependant on. Hunted by all sorts of gov't people, they have to figure out what exactly is going on if they want to live.

So as stated above, the main reason I wanted to watch this movie was to know WHO IS THE WOMAN ON THE PHONE?! Needless to say...I did find out and it did not blow my mind. I won't ruin it for everyone else so if you're really desperate to the movie. Or go read some other blog ( is a good one). Or just ask me in person if you happen to know who I am. I can tell you that the mysterious lady is voiced by actress Julianne Moore. you're going to listen real closely aren't you?

Anyway, the first hour of the film definitely made my adrenaline sky rocket. Huge scenes of flipping cars, endless explosions, car chases, running, screaming. Stuff that really gets you going...I think I might have been panting from the exertion of following everything that was going on. The bff literally had his hand over his mouth the entire time. But then it just descended into all kinds of madness...albeit predictable chaos (if such a thing exists). The movie was pretty absurd to begin with, but then it just becomes too ridiculous. Too over the top. And altogether too predictable.

I will shamelessly admit that I like Shia LaBeouf in a 'I want him to be my new bff' kind of way because c'mon...he's witty and a pretty decent actor and seems pretty cool to boot as long as we don't let him do any driving (sorry, had to do it). But all that aside, he is entirely unconvincing as an adult action hero. I know this is supposedly his transition from boy to man, but I think it might be a little too early. Watching Even Steven jump and fight and tackle grown men was just not believable...and trust me, I tried. Transformers worked because Shia was essentially a boy playing with toys (really big toys that had the potential to destroy the world but And the Transformers did all the heavy lifting (and are just really cool - who can't wait for the second one?!). So...sorry Shia (and all you other boys out there) but sporting facial hair and a blazer does not automatically make you a man. As for Michelle Monaghan? One word: overused. This woman keeps popping up in all kinds of movies and has yet to impress me with a single performance. Plus she seems a bit too old for our little Shia. No real chemistry there.

Overall, I can't complain too much since it was pretty much what I expected - mindless entertainment with no lasting effects or value. Then again, the bff said a cell phone rang while he was in the john after the movie and he had to chuckle to himself. If anything, I might think twice now before answering a call from an unknown number...or not.

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